Exhibition: WALL גדר جدار by Inés Moldavsky, Galeria Municipal do Porto.

March 2021,
     I am proud to announce that I got comissioned to layout the exhibition design for “Wall”, by Inés Moldavsky, curated by Guilherme Blanc at the municipal Gallery in Porto, Portugal.

The idea was about reusing an existing metal structure to compose a transparent and trespassable structure to hold the mediums Projector-screens and LED-screens for the interviews and the visual landscape. The structure used for the exhibition was designed by Diogo Aguiar Studio.

Curatorial text (GMP):
Wall גדר جدار is the result of an invitation made to the Argentinian-Israeli artist Inés Moldavsky to revisit and expand, in an installation context, her film The Men Behind the Wall, Golden Bear winner at the Berlinale – Berlin International Film Festival – in 2018. In this filmic work a dating app is used to create a set of conversations and personal meetings with Palestinian men living in the Gaza strip and the West Bank. The digital gateway is utilized as a starting point to visit the two territories, in journeys where the tension becomes evident through the visual and sonic landscape and, also, by virtue of the linguistic expression. In the project developed for the Galeria Municipal do Porto, the artist further explores her proposal of crossing borders – digital, political, religious and of gender – by building a frank and, therefore, provocative exercise of conversational intimacy and analysis.The specific context of affective and sexual interactions in the digital age continues to serve as a subtle backdrop to analyse questions of segregation, while proposing to discuss power relations through various stereotypes.In a particularly tense period between the states of Israel and Palestine, Wall גדר جدار attests to the validity of the continuing need for political debate about the question of Israeli occupation, while simultaneously proposing a meta-political reading of issues of love, respect and equality.

Function: Exhibition design
Client: Agora Porto
Design: Alban Wagener Architecture
Grafic Design: Non-Verbal
Curators: Guilherme Blanc with Isabeli Santiago.
Production: Patricia Vaz.

Plan of the final layout.

Axonometric drawing.

Sketch of the metal modules.

Sketch of the initial superposed projection layout,
with the LCD screens attached directly to the metal structure.

Photographs by Renato Cruz Santos | Galeria Municipal do Porto.

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